Planet of the Jellies

Today is the 1 year birthday of Crayon Physics. The game was released 1st of June 2007. With everything that has happened it’s somewhat hard to believe it’s only been a year.

To celebrate the Crayon Physics’ birthday and to keep up with the traditions of this blog, here’s another monthly game 🙂

Planet of the Jellies

Planet of the Jellies screenshot Planet of the Jellies screenshot Planet of the Jellies screenshot

Download (6,3 MB) (Release 4)


You have to save the planet from invading space invaders. The space invaders have a weakness if they are stacked according to the match-3 rules they will die and disappear!

Click space invaders to drop them. Try to stack them in piles (or lines) of three or more.

Trouble shootting

If you have problems getting the game to run I’d suggest on installing the newest DirectX 9.0c drivers and making sure you have .Net Framework 2.0 installed.


Game Design, Code & Gfx: Petri Purho ( petri.purho (at) )

Music: Dana Countryman – Cocktails In Space. The song “Cocktails In Space” is freely available at under the  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 1.0 license.

Sound Effects: bubble_hit_01.wav, bubble_hit_02.wav, bubble_hit_03.wav, bubble_hit_04.wav, bubble_hit_05.wav, bubble_hit_06.wav, bubble_hit_07.wav are from BUBBLES POPPING.wav by Hell’s Sound Guy. They are lisenced under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
click_ok.wav is from click 1 d.wav by TicTacShutUp and
click_deny.wav is sampled from click 1 off click.wav by TicTacShutUp. Both are lisenced under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.

Thanks to Sami for lending his camera (even though I didn’t have enough time to use it).

Inspiration source: Experimental Gameplay Project.

Planet of the Jellies uses: SDL and SDL_Mixer.

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