Sticky Notes Shooter

Here’s my first Experimental Gameplay Project (v3.0) contribution. The theme was Unexperimental Shooter. Don’t ask me why. I tried to stick to theme to the best of ability, which turned out to be harder than I originally thought it would be. My first try spinned off to the experimental territory faster than cactus makes games. (I’m still working on that more “experimental” game, but it has already passed the 7 day deadline by mile).
Sticky Notes Shooter is a shooter made out of non trademarked stick notes. Basically it’s a low resolution (32 x 24) shooter with a stop motion esque rendering. The other cool part about the game is that it generates space invaders randomly. The algorithm for this was way too fun to write and play around with and it was inspired by Jared Tarbell’s Invader Fractal algorithm.
Sticky Notes Shooter
Download (7.4 Mb) (release 1)
Your company has just trademarked all the pixels in a 12×8 space and it’s is your job is to travel around the galaxy and fight pixelated monsters that violate your precious trademark. Your name is Tim L. and you’re a professional trademark troll. You’re the best there is.
Arrow keys move Tim around and use space to fire his cease or desist gun.
Game Design, Code & Gfx: Petri Purho
Music: Martinibomb – The Love God. The song “The Love God” is freely available at under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic -license.
Sound Effects created with the DrPetter’s sfxr.
Fractal Invaders inspired by Jared Tarbell’s Invader Fractal.
Sticky Notes Shooter uses: SDL, SDL_Image, SDL_Mixer and GLEW.