Blueberry Garden is here
Wednesday, June 10th, 2009
Erik Svedäng’s beautiful game Blueberry Garden has just been released on Steam. Go buy it. Now. It’s only $5.00, so it’s a steal.
Blueberry Garden won the Independent Games Festival Grand Prize 2009 at GDC and I had the pleasure of giving away the award to Erik. I was literally jumping up and down of joy when I heard (before the show) that Blueberry Garden had won.
It’s a bit hard to describe Blueberry Garden if you haven’t played it. The experience of soaring through the skies, exploring the beautiful outdoor world all accompanied by the beautiful piano music by Daduk is just (for the lack of an better word) awesome. It’s an exploration platformer game, little in the vein of Knytt, but not really. The best description that I’ve read was by Michael Rose, when he wrote that “Blueberry Garden is like the Moomins as a computer game (minus the dodgey theme tune)”. Btw. Go and read the rest of Michael’s review.
Anyhow big Congrats to Erik for finally releasing Blueberry Garden. And in case you missed here’s the link to the Steam page.
P.S. In case you enjoy Blueberry Garden, spread the word, blog about it, YouTwitFace about it. Let people know, since indie’s don’t really have the luxury of a gigantic marketing budget so the only way to spread the news is word of mouth.