Word Pyramid
Friday, June 28th, 2024
Another word solitaire game appears. After Word Solitaire I was kinda curious as to how the game would play with an inverted setup, so I implemented a small prototype. It’s a little easier and thus might be a good “tutorial” game for Word Solitaire.
The real reason for working on this game was not the game (although I feel the game is just fine), but I was more curious about working on the tech. I got a little curious as to what could be done with Emscripten, which allows for C++ to be compiled into WebAssembly. This involved porting a bunch of old code to use SDL2 and Emscripten. The process was fairly straight forward. I’ll probably end up using this tech to make some new games. So you can try playing the game in your browser here.
Play the game in browser!
Word Pyramid – Release 1
Windows: WordPyramid.zip (4.3 Mb) (Release 1)
Word game + Solitaire. You need to clear the board by doing 5 letter words.
- A-Z = To form words
- RETURN = Input word
- BACKSPACE = Erase letter
Game Design & Code: Petri Purho ( petri.purho (at) gmail.com )