Conveyor Worm

Back at the end of April I participated in the Ludum Dare 53 Jam. I figured I’d just do a quick game over the weekend. And I did just that and the game turned out okay. Unfortunately on the last day I started feeling like I’m about to get the flu. So I did the adult thing and went to bed instead of pushing through. I did finish the game, but I never got around to making the web version and putting a real release together. It’s here now. Better late than never I guess.
Conveyor Worm- Release 1
Windows: (0.16 MB) (Release 1)
Play in browser: At!
Push and pull the blocks, complete the levels!
- Arrow keys: move
- Z: Undo
- Space: Restart level
Game Design & Code: Petri Purho ( petri.purho (at) )