New Website and Pre-Orders for Crayon Physics Deluxe
We have a new website for Crayon Physics Deluxe at There’s not much there yet, but hopefully there will be soon 😉
I’ve also setup the pre-orders for Crayon Physics Deluxe. You can pre-order the game from PayPal now. (You don’t have to have a PayPal account, just click the continue located on top of the credit card row).
Pre-order bonuses
- Save 5$. The prize of the finished game is going to be 20$, but if you pre-order during November you’ll get the game for 14.95$.
- Get a change to participate in the Crayon Physics Deluxe beta. Everyone
who pre-orders the game will be able to play the beta version of the
game once it’s released.
The way this works is after your transaction has been processed by PayPal you’ll receive a confirmation email from Kloonigames with a super secret key. Once the game is ready to be beta tested, you’ll get another email with a download link to the game. (And I’ll also email you once the game is finished so you can download the full version as well).
There won’t be any kind of DRM, because I’ve found that it only hurts the real customers (e.g. I’m an owner of Space Rangers 2, which I can’t play because the DRM is incompatible with my computer). And no DRM will stop people from pirating your game.
If you have any questions you can email or write a comment.