Nolla Games

It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog. There’s a good reason for it: laziness. Also I’ve been working on a very secret game with Olli Harjola and Arvi Teikari. Olli is known for being the guy behind the puzzle platformer The Swapper. Arvi is better known as Hempuli and he has created a ton tiny games and also the awesome Environmental Station Alpha. It’s been great working with such talented people and we’re very close to announcing our game. But before that we have to announce our company: Nolla Games.
I know it’s not that exciting to read about a company announcement. The only humans that get excited about company announcements are telemarketers (and most of the are really just robots pretending to be humans). So to appease the actual humans who have read this far we offer this gif as token of our gratitude. The gif teases our upcoming game. It is recorded in the engine that is used by our still unannounced and completely mysterious game of mystery.
More about our mysterious game of mystery in a week. (I hope).
Also to celebrate the announcement of our new company, we (me, Olli and Arvi) will livestreaming on at 11 AM PST July 13, 2017. We will be playing a random selection of the over 100 games that they’ve created.
Nolla Games website
Official Twitter
Official Youtube
Press kit